You ever have one of those moments where you feel as if no one in the world has it better than you? I get them sometimes. Certainly not all the time, but when they come I'm usually surprised at what brings that feeling on. You'd think it'd be the big things, like when we're all on vacation together, or when one of the kids has a huge accomplishment like sleeping through the night. Don't get me wrong, I've definitely experienced big moments of gratitude during those times. It's moments like today that really hit me and remind me of how it's truly the little things that make the biggest impact on me. It wasn't at dinner today when Luke asked if we could plant sausage since they have seeds in them. It wasn't when all the kids did their homework without help. It wasn't even when they all ate supper and asked for seconds! Maybe all of those things combined paved the way, but it was the moment in the day when my back threw in the towel and I had to lie down on the kitchen floor. I had made dinner, served dinner and cleaned up dinner and I found myself square on my back in the middle of the kitchen floor just waiting for the searing pain to subside and then Charlotte comes into the kitchen. She sees me there and just starts to giggle as she makes her way over to me and sets herself next to me laying on her back. Both of us were just seized by a fit of the giggles and it was at that moment that I knew I was the luckiest person in the world. My oldest was at youth group because he desires to participate in a 30 hour famine to raise money for World Vision. He'll not only be fasting, but he'll be volunteering at a food shelter and participating in worship. All his idea to participate. Three of my kids were playing (nicely!) together in the living room. There I was, on my kitchen floor laying side by side with my little girl and I was filled with so much gratitude. For a moment, I forgot about my pain and wasn't thinking about the tasks I still had ahead of me for the evening. I just relished in those precious giggles from my little girl with the big blue eyes and long curly eyelashes and even when my pain subsided, I stayed there just a little longer talking about pink cupcakes, Pillow Pets and feeling God's grace wash over me.
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