Luke 12:48

From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.

Good Thing I Don't Like Dull

Good Thing I Don't Like Dull
Life is what you make of it. Always has been, always will be.- Grandma Moses

Monday, January 18, 2010

Well, here goes nothing

I had to ask myself if I had thick enough skin to start a blog. Could I handle letting people in? Could I handle criticism and judgement? I decided that the only way to know for sure was to just go for it! I decided to call my blog, "Never a Dull Moment" and for those of you who know me, there is no need for me to explain the name. For those of you who don't know me, I am a married mother of 5 children- Jason- 13, Madeleine-8, Gweneth-8, Luke-5 and Charlotte-3. Those five miracles alone keep my life busy, fulfilling and never ever dull. I've often had moments with my children, whether humorous or not, where I felt that I should be writing it down. Well, here's my chance. Let's start with today......

After an interesting weekend that was filled with a burst eardrum (Charlotte) and strep-induced Scarlet Fever (Luke), we were all looking forward to a day off of school for MLK day that was illness free. We were lucky enough to get it, and headed out to Waywayanda State Park for a family hike. Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself a little here. With 5 kids there is never a moment where I can just "head out" anywhere. The morning started out with nudging my husband out of bed (I could write a whole blog just about that), then onto breakfast. Silly me thought that we could have an easy breakfast of cold cereal, however, the kiddies informed me that scrambled eggs and bacon sounded much better. I really had no excuse as to why I couldn't cook for them (mommy staying up too late watching, "Julie and Julia" was not a valid excuse) so that's what they got. You ever clean up after 5 kids? Let me re-phrase that, did you ever clean up scrambled eggs after 5 kids devoured them? Sticky, and messy doesn't quite do justice describing it, but you get the idea. Then my OCD needs to be indulged and I make the beds and empty the dishwasher (really hate to leave the house without that done).
****************************You've Got to Be Kidding Me Update************************

So as I was attempting to discuss the hoops that I have to jump through in order to get out for a hike, and then comment on the highlights of the hike which not only included beautiful, picturesque views of waterfalls and warm sunshine, but also falling children, slush-soaked bottoms and not to be forgotten, the pool of dead-deer blood that Luke nearly fell in....the serenity of nature...Gwen came in the living room and informed me that as she was exploring the woods in our yard, she got a thorn in her eye. I, being less than moved by every claim of injury, glanced at the eye, noticed it was red and told her to lie down and rest a minute. A minute later she complained that the eye was bothering her, so I took a better look. Low and behold....there was a thorn stuck in her eye. That's normal, right? You'd think that I was sympathetic? Unfortunately, I was miffed, knowing that I now had to drag all of the kids out the door again. Mind you, she was in great spirits and wasn't crying so I wasn't too concerned at first. I dropped the other 4 and the dog off by my mother in law (who is amazing!) and ran to the dr.....This is at 4pm right before they close. I ended up sitting there for over an hour while the dr. decided how best to go about treating Gwen. Thoughts going through my mind were anywhere from prayers, to God that it wasn't that serious, to, "Darn, I defrosted dinner for nothing!" Deep, I know.....The long and short of it, we bypassed the ER and went straight to an eye-specialist. My calm over the situation dissolved when the dr. mentioned that if the thorn was in deep enough, pulling it out would decompress the eye (are you kidding?). The prayers really were offered up at this point and thank goodness, it was a superficial wound, and said thorn was plucked from her beautiful baby blues......So, if there were any doubts in my mind as to whether or not "Never a Dull Moment" was an appropriate name for this blog, they are gone. All in a day's work!

1 comment:

  1. This is great, Sara! Not the thorn in eye story, but the whole blog thing in general. Very entertaining. I'm sure you have lots more stories to tell, and I'm looking forward to reading about them. Now you need a fan page on FB!
